Our Monitors
My sister won’t come to Thailand because
of her dislike of snakes. OK, there are snakes
in Thailand, but the ones I see are
dead on the road. Iridescent green squiggles,
or black rope-like corpses with white
jaws gone tits-up (if I can say this)
that are
baking on the black tar in the hot Thai
Monitor Lizards, up from Malaysia, are
Muscular tails like crocs and talons like
eagles they look formidable, but their
heads with beady little-eyes crossing
the road
in broad daylight make me think of a
home patient – befuddled for a moment -
has lost his way.
I slow and stop to let this “gator”
pass. A pickup
coming the other way does the same.
What drives these animals to leave the
where they are kings and cross the
black road to the acres of green rice
where they are vermin and will be killed
if seen?
When the lizard passes, I slowly move
In my review mirror as I manually shift
(second, third, fourth . . .) I see the
wait for the lumbering lizard to cross
do the same.
FG 8/8/2016
“klong’ is the Thai word for canal. Here an irrigation canal.
Once driving to a wat down a cement lane
big enough for one compact car, we came upon a lizard. This animal decided to out run us and was as
funny to see as a cow trying to run.
Oompah, oompah. But then he dove
into a shallow klong and with his mighty wave-like tail he zoomed under water ahead
of us. At 30 kph, about as fast as you
can ride a bike, he was putting distance between us.
We went to the wat for a funeral, but I
couldn’t get this hideous, beautiful animal out of my mind. Halfway through the service a man and woman
behind us asked my wife something.
What, I asked as they got up and left.
Wrong wat she said.

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