A List of Not-To-Be-Forgotten Things
As black socks turned inside out
wear just fine, so too a poem is a list of
not-to-be-forgotten things we almost
left behind.
string and
string and
chewing gum
FG July 15, 2013
While I have the tiniest of tin ears, the poem Andi Card
posted about Goffstown got me thinking about rhyme. Rhyme use to be used to remember the next
line when poems were over 1,000 lines long and before, of course, they were
written down. But poetry is always evolving and while rhyme can add something –
a feeling such as realizing the window your looking through has no glass – it’s
no longer the necessity it once was. In
fact, rhyme seems to be one of those not to be forgotten things we almost left behind. When rhyme is done well, you don’t notice but
feel it. When rhyme is done poorly, it’s
like putting a little smiley face at the end of every line.
This poem is another example of my Duck Soup daze. The poet knows that a sock turned inside out is
still a sock – this may be the only thing a poet knows. Poetry has always seemed to me as juggling
dark objects, so let’s make it a black sock.
The list is just like Apple, peaches, pumpkin pie (Jay and
the Techniques song – Rita O’Meara or Kathy Gray may get you the link) and
fun. I list plums for Dr. Williams
although I am not partial to plums and yes I list string twice – you’ve done
this, right?
Poems are small things, too.
Writing a poem about Goffstown, well, it’s just too big.