Life’s Not A Journey But An Entanglement
In Sri Lanka I was taken to a museum of
tribal masks once used to frighten away
all kinds of medical problems. The museum
was in the basement of a small house on
the way to Galle. The ceilings were low,
the floor uneven and I was the only one
I don’t remember being scared
by any of these masks, some which were
lit by flickering spot lights for effect
was I interested in the tags relating
the mask might cure. When I left the attendant
probably sensing that I wasn’t going to
anything from a glass case of curios,
flicked a switch and all the lights went
When I first got here, my wife’s father
was barely hanging on with terminal
We took him to three government
but he didn’t want the radical surgery
doctors prescribed. Instead, we drove him
to a man who made an elixir “from the
Buddhists have a strong bond with the
world and the strongest of these may be
to trees:
the Papaya, the Mango, the Jack Fruit,
the Palm,
the Po and others. The medicine provided in
an empty whiskey bottle I doubt had any
medical value, but that natural bond
with the
Thai world sublimates and softens the
and ultimately cures the skeptic of
FG 5/6/2016
I didn’t know what to title this piece
which seems broken into two separate memories.
Entanglement seems to be a fad word out of quantum physics. It has something to do with electrons
mimicking each other’s spin (information) no matter what the distance from each
other is, and simultaneously, too. If
you believe that life is a journey, a football game with x and os that you can
strategize and win, you probably believe that superstitions and snake oil cures
are to be laughed at. On the other hand,
well . . . .