Poetry from Thailand

Original poetry written in and about rural Thailand.

My Photo
Location: Chong Khae, Nakhonsawan, Thailand

Monday, February 10, 2014


The doves have come back again
this year.  Their flimsy nest is in
an octagon basket built from popsicle
sticks.  The basket holds a dormant
orchid plant whose white roots
vein out through the sticks and then
turn back in again.  It hangs by wire
not two yards from where I sip
my afternoon beer.  The two
chicks and the parent take turns
watching me with an unflinching
tiny round eye like the one in
the pyramid on the back of a dollar.
I doubt they trust me, but when
I water the plants before going in
and come to them they tip up their
little tails but they do not show
sheer panic.

Yesterday, the chicks were standing
leaning back against the parent as if
scratching their backs  with their
wings held out to empty afternoon air.

I went into my own house and this
morning the chicks were gone, soaring
off in a dangerous world without roof or
wall.  A world where remembrance
alone can pass for love.

FG  2/10/2014