On Leaving America
My five-year-old son hung upside down,
summersaulting in air from a rail he held
on to in the departure lounge.
My ten-year-old
son told me years later that he was torn
between hugging me or shaking hands,
and my little girl adrift in a world that could
only be fun at three, simply hung back.
I didn’t want to leave, but leave I did and now
God knows can never go back.
I’m sitting in a packed, Thai, narrow-gauge
railroad car, and looking out an open
window – there is no air conditioning on
these trains that were bought second hand
from Japan – and I see my three kids again.
They’re standing by themselves in a field.
Some one has given them each a small
American flag to wave, but they just hold
them . . . and then they’re
FG 11/7/2014
The only place I could find work in 1992 when I was in my forties was
overseas in Saudi Arabia. It was unaccompanied employment and, except for emergency leave, I had to be in-country for a year to qualify for leave. Sadly, I doubt
even that option exists for men in their forties today. Ah, America.